New start-up brands (even emerging to established brands) have the need to have a defined marketing message to their customers and more importantly, to their consumers. With today’s age of social media, influencers and in-store marketing, traditional marketing has changed. Television before was the original venue for advertising but today is different. Most start-up brand founders are savvy enough to know everything about social media, YouTube and influencers but are very open to learning about complete marketing programs.
BRAND MANAGEMENT: Any successful marketing manager knows that an effective and consistent brand leads to great results. Managing a brand requires careful understanding of the impact a brand can have and implementation of the brand across media. This expertise is a core part of the relationship that we foster, allowing us to take your brand to new heights.
DIGITAL PRESENCE: The future of marketing is digital. And one of the most useful aspects of digital marketing is the highly targeted approach that can be taken, allowing you to reach the right client with the right message. An optimized digital strategy means that your ROI is both measurable and high.
MARKETING INTEGRATION: Marketing B2B companies is not always as straight-forward as it may appear. The most successful approaches that we have experienced always revolve around multiple aspects, from digital to desk-drops and email marketing. Taking a carefully considered approach means understanding your business and market inside-out.
TARGETED APPROACH: With B2B marketing, finding the right clients is key to marketing success. That means that you must take the right approach, and target effectively. Without the understanding of your business model and target market, your ROI will be low. This is why we meet with you and come to understand your business as much as you do – so we can target the right people.